5 Time Management Skills Every Nurse Should Possess

If you are thinking about going to school to be a nurse or have recently entered the industry, you probably think a lot about helping other people. However, simply being caring isn’t enough to thrive in this industry. As a nurse, you have a lot to do during every shift; if you aren’t careful, you might not make the most out of the time that you have. Luckily, proper time management can help. These are a few time management skills that every nurse should possess.

1. Being On Time

First of all, you have to be punctual. If this isn’t a habit that you’ve ever been good at, it’s time to start working on it now. People’s lives depend on you, so you can’t be late for your shifts. Plus, since you have to get yourself organized before the workday and since you need to have your mind on your job, it’s critical to be on time. Make an effort to arrive at work a few minutes early every day so that you have time to get yourself together before your shift starts.

2. Scheduling

You have to be able to plan and schedule your day to the best of your ability. Jotting down a to-do list and scheduling time to work on your paperwork is important. If you aren’t able to come up with a loose schedule for your day, there is a good chance that you’ll be behind during the entire shift or that you’ll leave at the end of the day without getting everything done. Try investing in a day planner to help you get started.

3. Note Taking

Taking notes is important as a nurse. You need to take notes about what the doctors say, what type of care each patient needs, what the patients are asking for and more. By taking notes, you can help ensure that you don’t forget anything important. Plus, you can save time because you won’t have to run all over the place. You’ll also find that you can get your paperwork done a lot more quickly and easily as well.

4. The Ability to Say No

It isn’t easy to say no, especially when you work in a hospital or other medical practice. However, you can’t take on everything; otherwise, other areas of your work life will suffer. If there is an emergency situation going on, then you will obviously need to prioritize. However, you cannot pick up every shift or handle every patient in the hospital by yourself, and you shouldn’t try to. Don’t be afraid to say “no” to your supervisor when you need to.

5. Delegation

It might be in your nature to try to handle everything on your own. However, there are CNAs, LPNs and other RNs there for a reason. It isn’t your responsibility to handle every patient, every piece of paperwork and every situation by yourself. You’ll never be able to do a good job with anything that you do if your mind is on everything else.

This is why you should not be afraid to delegate. Let other nursing staff know when you need help with something, and don’t be afraid to ask others to do something for you if they aren’t busy. You should be a team with the rest of the staff, not someone who is trying to handle everything on your own.

As a nurse, time management skills will do you well. Learn these five skills if you want to be truly successful as a nursing professional. Along with doing a better job, you’ll feel a lot less stressed as well.